Rihanna Named ‘Woman of the Year’ by ‘Vogue Italia’ Magazine

Rihanna Named 'Woman of the Year' by 'Vogue Italia' Magazine
Rihanna for Vogue Italia Magazine

Rihanna is making quite a few headlines lately. Not only is she the newest spokesmodel for Emporio Armani jeans and underwear,  but she has recently been chosen as “Woman of the Year” by high fashion magazine Vogue Italia.

“In terms of popularity and fame, as of now Rihanna has stolen Lady Gaga’s Facebook fan-collector crown outsmarting the blond rival by a staggering one hundred-thousand fans (to be completely honest, on Twitter Gaga is still the winner with 11 millions fan, but we are sure Rihanna can catch up),” said Vogue.

Vogue is not only impressed by Rihanna’s virtue of numbers but, more importantly, “for her kind and fighting spirit.” The international star from Barbados has remained at the top of the music charts and is continually bringing spunk and sex appeal to her fans and audience. Despite her career low involving a violent incident with former boyfriend, Chris Brown, Vogue chose to highlight her good acts in the community.

Rihanna has been active in many charitable organizations and has also joined and supported campaigns for the fight against breast cancer as well as world famine. “She has managed to cultivate her career despite the many tragedies affecting her private life,” said Vogue.

The magazine expressed a Latin phrase, “Per aspera ad astra,” which means “Through hardships to the stars” or “To the stars through difficulties,” according to various Internet sources. Nothing could fit Rihanna’s rise to success more perfectly.

Vogue continued, “May Rihanna enjoy her well-deserved title. As for us, we can’t but wait — impatiently — for her next brilliant music hit.” –mckenzie harris

How do you feel about Rihanna being named as “Woman of the Year?”

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