‘ESPN The Magazine’s’ Nude Athletes: Creative or Sexually Excessive?

'ESPN The Magazine's' Nude Athletes: Creative or Sexually Excessive?ESPN The Magazine‘s  2011 Body Issue recently hit newsstands. This year’s special issue features track star Natasha Hastings, NFL’s Steven Jackson, NBA’s Blake Griffin and several other pro athletes who are completely nude.

ESPN suggests that the annual issue highlights athletes in the nude because they want to showcase the amazing bodies of sport stars who train year round.

Indeed, each athlete featured in the publication appears physically fit beyond belief.

However, ESPN understands that we live in a sex-crazed society and nudity draws attention. Although there are ways to present nudity in an artful manner, did ESPN go overboard and dabble into the arena of soft porn?

Many of the athletes are laced with oil, which causes their bodies to glisten in a way that’s sexually suggestive. The images can appear to be fodder for arousal and are definitely a be a bit too raunchy for adolescents.

Share your thoughts. Did ESPN‘s Body Issue showcase creativity or is it too sexually provocative? –a.r.

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