Nicki Minaj Talks Suicidal Thoughts, Parents’ Abusive Relationship

Nicki Minaj Talks Suicidal Thoughts, Parents' Abusive RelationshipThe amazing success story of rap star Nicki Minaj and her thriving music career is one that anybody could admire or envy. But according to VIBE, in the cover feature of the November issue of Cosmopolitan, cover girl Minaj shares less than enviable details about the harshness of her younger days, discussing her parents abusive relationship and her suicidal thoughts before hitting it big.

In the past, Minaj has spoken of  her father’s abuse toward her mother, but the rapper explained to the magazine how his abuse left her emotionally scarred and afraid for her mother’s life.

“He would beg, cry, stalk us. … One time, he pulled my mother out of a car and dragged her for two blocks. After that, I had a phobia about unlocked doors. Anywhere my mother and I were, I made sure the door was locked, because that was my only way to protect her,” revealed Minaj.

The Pink Friday rapper also talks about her tumultuous road to stardom and reveals that she considered suicide when her musical dreams seemed to be falling apart before her eyes.

“I kept having doors slammed in my face. I felt like nothing was working. I had moved out on my own, and here I was thinking I’d have to go home. It was just one dead end after another,” Minaj explained. “At one point, I was, like, ‘What would happen if I just didn’t wake up?’ That’s how I felt. Like maybe I should just take my life.”

Despite her chilling revelations, Minaj also discusses some lighter subjects, like, her fashion comparisons to fellow avant-garde artist Lady Gaga.

“I think Gaga is freakin’ dope for that. But I can’t be bothered. Give me my sweats,” said Minaj. “I like transforming from completely raggedy to ‘Ahhh, I’m ready.’ That transformation gives me a high.”

Minaj also talks about the hardships of being a woman in the power-hungry and male-dominated world of music.

“When you come into the business as a woman, you have to pay a lot of mind games because the men tend to be very aggressive,” said Minaj. “It’s like chess — you have to protect your goods. Had I just started screwing the guys, it would’ve been over because they never would’ve taken me seriously.”

Though industry men may find it hard to get Minaj’s attention, she does explain exactly what she does find attractive in a man.

“I do like a dope nose profile, one that’s straight on the side. And I like full lips. I’ve never kissed someone who didn’t have full lips.” –nicholas robinson

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