Bernie Madoff’s 5 Shocking Revelations; Other Corporate Scandals That Plundered America’s Wealth

Bernie Madoff's 5 Shocking Revelations; Other Corporate Scandals That Plundered America's Wealth

While powerful government agencies like the FBI and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission continue to scrounge around the bottom of the bird cage, sweeping away petty criminals, monstrous-sized thieves are perched uninhibited above and continue pelting the country with their toxic droppings on the heads of the working class citizens of America.

Ruthless reptilian reprobates like Bernie Madoff have ignited earthquakes all over the country which has reduced millions of lives to complete rubble. With money and power as a more powerful narcotic than crack and heroin combined, these money magnates roam free and gorge themselves on indiscriminate rampages on other people’s wealth while the heroin and crack addicts on the corner serve life with mandatory minimums.

This, Mr. Herman Cain and other critics of Occupy Wall Street, is the basis of their nonviolent insurrection.

This was the first thought that surged through my brain when I took in the riveting “60 Minutes” exclusive interview with the surviving family members of record-breaking buster of a baron Bernie Madoff. It’s why I believe it will happen again.

Bernie Madoff's 5 Shocking Revelations; Other Corporate Scandals That Plundered America's Wealth

  1. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission cleared Madoff of any questionable activity time and time again. How can that be remotely possible? Someone needs to investigate the investigators of the SEC and audit their findings to see how they could possibly find no violations of the law.
  2. I found the son believable when he said he was banned to the outer perimeter of the barricade Bernie Madoff constructed to keep anyone and everyone from peeking into the cesspool on that secret floor where Madoff devised his devastating skullduggery for $50 billion, the largest such scam in U.S. history.
  3. It has to be the epitome of hell and horror when Madoff’s own son says he never wants to speak to the man who helped bring him into the world. I guess Bernie Madoff can expect few, if any, visitors as he rots into nothingness in the concrete hotels with low-level crack dealers. The other son, of course, never will speak to anyone again after his brain collapsed in on itself from the enormity of the crime and hung himself with his toddler in the other room.
  4. That the Justice and Treasury Departments of this and previous administrations won’t train their bloodhounds in the FBI and IRS to sniff around Wall Street with greater determination. I can promise that they would find more of these marketplace poisons germinating with the potential to wreak more havoc on millions of lives. Small wonder why the economy crashed through the floor. Yet, the IRS continues to stomp out humble families just making it like bugs on the sidewalks, while the animals that prey on the bugs weave their webs to entrap more unsuspecting victims.
  5. Madoff’s wife said she and her husband tried duo suicide and she says there is no secret stash to keep her afloat after she sold the contents of their palatial empire. I’m not totally sold on what she does and does not really know.

If we are going to get corruption under control, then we must learn from the past, take inventory on their schemes and ensure that we at least minimize the number of crooks and the wide-spread, multi-layered damage they inflict. The following are just a few:

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