11 Black Males Molested by Teacher in Tennessee

11 Black Males Molested by Teacher in TennesseeSeems like what we are seeing at Penn State is just a microcosm of what is going on and has been going on for a long time. Historically, the raping and molestation of our youth has been swept under the rug and predators from all walks of life continue to prey on our innocent children.

As for the former defensive coordinator of Penn State, I just wonder how many of the young men he is alleged to have molested were African American. I am certain if history is a guide, it will be a substantial number. But this is the least of our worries given what has transpired in Covington, Tenn.

A Covington middle school teacher bailed out of jail Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011, a day after she was arrested and charged with having sex with and providing booze to 11 different children. Cindy Clifton, a teacher at Crestview Middle School, was indicted on 53 counts, including 14 counts of statutory rape by an authority figure. The prosecution believes the 41-year-old reading teacher provided alcohol to 11 minors between the ages of 14 and 17 and had sex with seven of them.

The investigation was started by the Tipton County School District after receiving complaints from several parents.

According to the police report, “The complaints were from parents of students who got information from their children that alcohol was being provided to them at parties given by Mrs. Clifton.”

“When the system was made aware of the allegations, the teacher was immediately suspended without pay from her teaching position and all school-related activities, pending the investigation of the allegations,” said Dr. William Bibb, Tipton County Schools director. “Obviously, we are deeply concerned and saddened by the allegations that have been brought against this teacher.”

Clifton faces 11 counts of aggravated statutory rape, 14 counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and 14 counts of furnishing alcohol to minors, and her most serious charges, 14 counts of statutory rape by an authority figure.

torrance stephens, ph.d.

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