Rihanna, Cee Lo and T-Pain Like to Party: STDs and Casual Sex Encounters Await Their Fans at Clubs

Rihanna, Cee Lo and T-Pain Like to Party: STDs and Casual Sex Encounters Await Their Fans at ClubsThe STD and HIV/AIDS invitational and high-risk behavior are starring all over the Internet. From celebrities “making it rain” to a hip-hop star’s wife divulging her indiscriminate behind-closed doors activities with strippers, the behavior is running amuck. 

It should come as no surprise to you that sex workers have elevated the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV and AIDS, herpes, gonorrhea and chlamydia. Yes, fellas, it’s not just the”ho on the stroll,” that were referring to.

The term sex worker doesn’t only mean prostitute. The job titles in  the trade are broad. This list includes adult porn stars, exotic dancers, strippers, street level prostitutes, female escorts, male escorts — and in many cases drug users and addicts. The only exception is the phone sex worker, whom you will likely never meet.

When you see headlines-seeking celebrities spending their “big paychecks” during a night-on-the-town with their entourage, don’t fall too deep — it may be a prop. Snap out of it. Once they leave the club, these casual encounters don’t always end in a smash. The trick or groupie may be just for show or the plant by a strip club promoter drumming up business. Don’t be seduced by this flashiness and obvious need  for attention, or confuse these images with reality. Celebrities make it appear easy to acquire one-night stands, sexual encounters and love with no limits. Remember the “A” in AIDS stands for Acquired [Immune Deficiency Syndrome].

Check out some celebrities whose after hours activities could land you at the clinic. Some images are NSFW (Not Suitable For Work). 

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