Nearly five years ago, most Americans believed that President Obama’s current secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, would become first female the president of the United States. As it turned out, a little known senator from Illinois named Barack Obama became the first black president in the nation’s history.
And today, there are some powerful people who believe that the former first lady to President Bill Clinton still has what it takes to make another run for the nation’s highest office. Her credentials, pedigree, education and experience are impeccable. Current first lady Michelle Obama believes that there will soon be a female president. Hillary Clinton would seem a logical choice.
Furthermore, Nancy Pelosi ignited a new wave of Hillary Clinton-for-president buzz two months ago by talking up the secretary of state as a 2016 candidate, keeps it up in an interview with the Chronicle’s Carla Marinucci:
Pelosi is upbeat about the prospects for a female president in her lifetime, namely her friend Hillary Rodham Clinton.
“Why wouldn’t she run? She’s a magnificent secretary of state,” Pelosi said when asked about Clinton’s prospects in 2016. “She’s our shot” that year, Pelosi said.
See the rest of Pelosi’s thoughts on Clinton and as well as her support for President Obama’s health care reform.
— terry shropshire