Speaking from my own experience, the one time I did cheat I felt as if my man wasn’t interested in me anymore. His behavior had changed toward me and he was rarely home. I was lonely and filled with lust for a very handsome young man and after a period of time of constantly seeing him out, I gave in.
I was looking to fill a void of sex and love, and of course, I only found sex.
Generally speaking, women cheat for the following reasons:
- For the thrill of it; they know they can get away with it
- Selfishness
- She loves sex
- Her man is cheating
- There is an inability to communicate with her man regarding problems, and can’t find a solution
- There is a lack of an emotional connection at home
- She has a fear of commitment
- She is lonely
- Overwhelming lust and desire for someone new
- The sex is bad or boring at home
- She seeks a more endowed man
- Her man is non-attentive