Black Christians Banned From Church Conference in Alabama

Black Christians Banned From Church Conference in AlabamaThe headline in today’s news read like a period in history. Like time emerged from the pages of a novel, Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, perhaps.

It reads: “Whites-only Christian gathering riles some Alabama neighbors.”

“Whites Only,” really? This idea is so irrational that this writer can’t wrap her mind around it.

The article which is published on goes on to discuss the details surrounding the “three-day [July 4-6] whites-only religious conference — which will conclude with a flaming cross [aka Sacred Christian Cross Lighting Ceremony.] — in Lamar County, Ala.”

The organization, Christian Identity Ministries, which is leading this suspicious and mutually exclusive event for God’s Chosen, is quoted on their website, saying, “Yes, we believe that the Europeans and their descendants are the chosen people of God. We believe this, not because we think that the white race is superior, but because there is overwhelming proof in support of this belief. We do not back down from this belief, because we are certain.”

They won’t “back down from this belief,” however, the fliers announcing this pastor’s conference were reportedly posted in the middle of the night and while everyone was asleep.

Winfield, Ala.’s Mayor Wayne Silas spoke to WAFF TV journalists and shared that “the city of Winfield does not condone this.”

Christian Identity Ministries’ irascible founder Mel Lewis asserts that the mayor is violating his flock’s right to free speech. “The mayor ordered our fliers to be taken down. When did they start religious censorship? We are not breaking any laws. We’re not violating any ordinances. We’re bringing the Word of God to people who want it, obviously, or they wouldn’t be here,” Lewis says from a rural venue that is reportedly decorated with Confederate flags and KKK banners.

Lewis’ cohort, Christian Identity Ministries Pastor William J. Collier’s response teeters on the ridiculous and insane. “We don’t have the facilities to accommodate other races, and we have nothing, not one bit of animosity, no racism whatsoever.”

Surprising? Not really. Disturbing? Definitely.

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