Jerry Sandusky’s Creepy Voicemails to Child Victim Released

Jerry Sandusky's Creepy Voicemails to Child Victim ReleasedThe attorney’s for one of Jerry Sandusky’s victims has just released eerie voicemail messages the convicted child predator left — just before the attorneys announced plans to sue Pennsylvania State University for not only failing to stop the monster from preying on kids, but even worked to cover it up at the highest levels.

Let the sweepstakes begin.

The alleged victim will not be identified, of course, but his lawyers have charged that the boy has “suffered extensive sexual abuse over many years both before and after the 2001 incident Michael McQueary witnessed” in a Penn State locker room shower, according to media reports.

These two voicemails released to the media were from September 2011. Sandusky, it seems, was resigned to the fact that he was about to be arrested and officially become a national pariah that would stain Penn State permanently.

The first voicemail, Sandusky says, “I am probably not going to be able to get a hold of anybody … Probably ought to just go forward … I would be very firm and express my feelings upfront,” according to

The attorneys say they think Sandusky was trying to coax his victim on what direction to go with his story to the police.

The voicemail continues, “But there is nothing really to hide so. Um. If you want, give me a call … I love you.”

Click here to listen to the voicemail messages obtained by and see what kind of feeling you come away with.

— terry shropshire

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