We had already deduced from Kim Kardashian’s pattern of behavior that she is a morality-free, locker-room slut. But now she can add “Perfect B—-” to her proud list of distinctions.
We hope you don’t lose 300 brain cells reading this article.
Kim Whore-dashian told the media that she was excited to be the subject of Kanye West’s newly-released single “Perfect B—-.”
According to tmz.com, Kardashian told friends that “I’m honored. I love it,” adding, “I know he doesn’t mean it in a negative way when he says the word ‘b—-.’ ”
Just a couple of steps back for mankind, or woman-kind.
The talentless, narcissistic bubblehead yakked on, saying, “The song talks about how he was with so many other girls but could never find the right one until he met me.”
Kardashian, the porno-video-turned-reality-show megastar, relayed that she found the profane way that West described her protruding physical attributes, much like calling her a female dog, as a term of endearment and symbol of love and devotion.
Just great.