The professional trade show or annual conference offers the perfect alibi for a mind-blowing fling: it’s a must-attend situation (work-related trip, generally sponsored by the employer), and of course, in these lean times, the company will not add a spouse to the worker’s itinerary.
There are no ice-breakers needed at the conference, thus the annual meeting carries the priceless perk of cavorting with like-minded professionals, and a few familiar faces that you’ve met the year before.
Also, there is room in the program for the cheater to play, in the daytime hours, you attend the presentations and meetings on schedule, however when the nightlife calls, you’re a free bird in a strange town, and all bets for remaining faithful are off.
ON24, a webcasting and virtual events company, revealed the results of 2,000 American adults who participated in an online survey conducted by Harris Interactive. The survey found spouses are suspicious of their traveling executive.
The findings:
“91% of Americans believe too much time away from home due to work has consequences, including 75% citing increased stress and a surprising 70% who say it can result in a failed marriage or relationship. Other things that Americans said could result from too much time away from home due to work were health problems (63%), rebellious kids (54%) and increased probability of affairs (45%).”