Yes, Chicago, a foodie lovers town, is also one of the fattest cities around. With the Midwest’s midsection getting out of control, the Shape Sherpa (Jordan P. Vappie) arrived over the weekend to shake things up a bit with his Preventative Purpose Tour. Shape Sherpa kicked off his tour at the House of Trend with a catered reception and book signing.
On Saturday, Sherpa began the morning with a free workout. Yes, his workouts are challenging, but he incorporates lifestyle changes so that your results are lasting. It always helps that the trainer is easy on the eyes, as well. Shape Sherpa treated Chicagoans with a taste of his Straight Line Workout System free 20-minute workout and healthy smoothies at Core Fitness (1030 W. North Ave).
Shape Sherpa keeps you sexy and in good health! Photos: Dr. Dawj.