You: The Real McCoy

You: The Real McCoy

phenomenal (fi’nämenel)
very remarkable; extraordinary :

Whoever told you that there was  something “wrong” with you, lied. Have you ever had a friend tell you “shouldn’t” feel a certain way? Has someone teased you for being unique at something? Were you ever made to feel stupid or dumb for trying to treat yourself well?

All of the outside judgements, be it from family or friends, has little to do with you and everything to do with them and their opinions based on their experiences. Can wisdom come from these same people? Yes, but please know that you, more than anyone in the whole world, deserve all of your love, affection and attention. Here are three sure ways to continue to nurture a healthy and loving relationship with yourself:

1. Honor Your Feelings. Just because you bury your feelings does not mean they will go away. Your feelings are important and should be honored by you, and those you care about. The best way to get through difficult emotions, is to own them, feel them and get support. Your emotional process is yours and should be respected by others. Find someone you trust and allow them to support you through them. Buried feelings have the capacity to turn into dangerous and destructive addictions. Owning and sharing your feelings can save your life.

2. Lift Up and Exalt Your Positive Attributes. Where do you shine? I am sure you have areas in your life where you shine. Wherever it is, take joy and pride in that goodness and share it everywhere you can, especially with those whom you care about. Make it your mission to find time to give yourself praise for your divinely appointed gifts and talents. Be grateful for them and share.

3. Date You! How would you like to be treated on a date? What would woo you or make your heart smile? Now, bring some of those elements into dating yourself. Take yourself out. Dazzle yourself. Impress yourself. Woo yourself. Make yourself smile. Make yourself feel good. Congratulations, you have just raised the bar. All others must meet you here or surpass that level.

Until next month, always remember you have the power to Cr8 Ur Own Reality!
#PhenomenallyU … Cr8 ur own reality.

Lacey C. Clark! of Sisters’ Sanctuary is an award-winning speaker, author and life coach specializing in young women. She is the creator of the Phenomenally U Summit and author of the upcoming series, The Phenomenal Files. @queencelebrateu. You’re invited to our #phenomenallyu tweet party on Oct. 2, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. EST.

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