Celebrities Who Have Battled Breast Cancer

Celebrities Who Have Battled Breast CancerAfrican American women are more likely to die of breast cancer than women of other races, especially in the first few years after the diagnosis, according to new research.

“Black women were almost 50 percent more likely to die compared to white women within the first three years since breast cancer was diagnosed,” says researcher Erica Warner, ScD, MPH, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health.

The findings revealed that although black women are less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer, when diagnosed they are more likely to die.

“On average, black women in our study were diagnosed at a later stage,” she reveals.

Body mass index at diagnosis plays a role in survival. The higher the BMI the less likely your survival rate. “We see differences starting at [a BMI of] 25,” sasys Warner

A BMI of 25 is considered overweight — the biggest survival differences are seen in women with BMIs of 30 and higher, or in the obese range.

We’ve identified the brave and courageous women (and a man) who went public about their illness, and in some cases, chronicled their battle with their fans exuding strength and courage, while increasing awareness. –yvette caslin

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