Ted Nugent wants voting rights revoked for welfare recipients

Ted Nugent wants voting rights revoked for welfare recipientsRocker Ted Nugent wants the voting rights of all people on welfare revoked until they become self-sufficent.

This is just one of the bizarre and radical statements he made in his op-ed column at the Washington Times. He also said federal lawmakers should obliterate Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Nugent claims the debt and spending problem is so dire that the only way to even begin to address it is to simply engage in the ritual “slaughter” of entitlement programs altogether.

“The three sacred entitlement cows in the room that no politician wants to poke are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid,” Nugent wrote. “A blinding statement of the obvious is that we are never going to get our financial house in order until these sacred entitlement cows are not only poked, but slaughtered.”

Nugent also offered that, instead of raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans, as many Democrats including President Obama have supported, Congress should hike taxes on everybody, including the poorest 50 percent of Americans. Nugent has tired of welfare recipients enjoying “insane free ride” — as if they are celebrating being in such a position.

“Once they get off welfare and are self-sustaining, they get their right to vote restored,” he added.

Nugent ended with an offhand plea to “eliminate voter fraud” by implementing a national voter ID law.

To read his memo to America in its entirety, click here.

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