The things that some celebrities do when they are surrounded by booze, boobs and booties — even when they have their own boobs and booties.
Just 20 years ago, strip clubs were seen as nasty, unholy houses of establishments that existed on the fringes of society and teetered off the edge of respectability. Today, gentlemen’s clubs are a major part of the mainstream. They even help to attract much of the tourism and convention dollars that pour into major metropolises, although you’ll never see cities like Atlanta, Miami, or Orlando, Fla., advertise that fact on a billboard or the side of a bus.
Celebrities, moreover, not only frequent strip clubs on the regular these days, but many make their excursions into the land of nakedness a well-publicized fact, as you will see on the following pages, making strip club attendance more popular than ever before. The strippers and strips clubs thank them dearly.