There are three official events for you to attend in Chicago during the presidential inauguration weekend. Take a look.
–compiled by kris williams
1. Presidential Gala
Friday, Jan. 18
8 p.m.
Location: Society Art Gallery, 2140 W. Fulton
Socialize as we wine, dance and toast to President Obama’s victory. Open bar, heavy hors
d’oeuvres and live band.
2. Presidential Brunch
Saturday, Jan. 19
1 p.m.
Location: Parrot Cage @ South Shore Cultural Center, 7059 South Shore Dr.
Dine with young professionals, entrepreneurs, politicos, elected officials and community leaders
as we listen to an inspirational message about President Obama’s historic second campaign.
3. Legends Reception & Trailblazer Awards Ceremony
Sunday, Jan. 20
7 p.m.
Location: Room 43, 1041 E. 43rd
Celebrate this historic day with other Obama enthusiasts from around the Chicago area as
we commemorate a second Presidential Inauguration and honor Chicago legends. Light hors
d’oeuvres and live band.