Bobbi Kristina slams Cissy Houston’s memoir about Whitney

Bobbi Kristina slams Cissy Houston's memoir about Whitney

It’s no secret that Bobbi Kristina and her grandmother, Cissy Houston, have an “iffy” relationship, as they’ve both described it. But the tension between the two reached new heights last week when Bobbi Kristina slammed Houston for writing a tell-all memoir, Remembering Whitney, about her late mother, Whitney Houston.

“ANYTHING concerning mygrandmothersBook•I& @nickdgordonOFCOURSE personally haveNOTHING2dowith• I ask youplsRESPECT tht•Haven’t read&won’t•,” wrote Bobbi Kristina on her Twitter page.

In the memoir, Houston discusses in detail Whitney’s drug abuse as well as her turbulent marriage to Bobby Brown and rumors that she had a same-sex romance with her former assistant, Robyn Crawford.

And though Houston claims that she wrote the book to share the truth about her daughter’s life, Bobbi Kristina reveals that she thought the book was disrespectful to the life and memory of her mother.

“I find it 2B Disrespect2MYMOTHER & me being HERDAUGHTER won’t tolerate it. I LOVEYOUALL for your support though & I thank you immensely••xO!,” she wrote.

Well, hopefully, Houston and Bobbi Kristina will eventually make peace with each other. And they aren’t the only ones to be involved in a celebrity family feud. Check out some other famous family feuds below. –nicholas robinson

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