Shawty Lo, Consequence; 10 rappers we wish would go away

Shawty Lo, Consequence; 10 rappers we wish would go away

There’s something to be said for persistence — even if it’s for a less-than-noble cause.

At least Shawty Lo seems to think so.

The rapper-turned-prospective reality star is still working to get his ill-fated series, “All My Babies’ Mamas,” on the air. The show wasn’t picked up by the Oxygen Network after initial reports that it would be making its debut later this year. Critics were outraged at the premise — a black man dealing with the drama of having 11 children by 10 different women — and many speculated that the negative backlash directly led to Oxygen dumping the show. His publicist voiced her disdain for the critics and went so far as to say black men should want to emulate the rapper’s hands-on approach to fatherhood.

But Shawty hasn’t given up.

“It’s just the legal process right now with Oxygen. We got like five or six other networks right now interested in the show. Basically, all the people did is make the show bigger than it already was,” Shawty told Hip Hop Weekly.

“People made assumptions that the show was gonna be violent or something or I was doing it for money, but you know, I never had money problems,” he added.

Really, Shawty? That’s why you think people had a problem with the show? Maybe you should Google more.

Shawty Lo just refuses to let this stereotype-fest die a noble death. Maybe if he’d put forth this kind of effort into his musical career, he wouldn’t have just one hit to his resume.

Just a thought.

Here are 10 attention-craving rappers that we wish would just go away. (And yes, the irony of this list giving them further publicity is quite obvious.)

–stereo williams

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