George Fraser’s Power Networking CashNoir Conference comes to Dallas

George Fraser of FraserNet, Hattie Hill of HHE and James Fripp of Yum! Brands
George Fraser of FraserNet, Hattie Hill of HHE and James Fripp of Yum! Brands

George Fraser and his team is once again putting on an exciting and informative conference to help the African American business community learn and grow. This annual conference (previously known as FraserNet) brings together some of the leading business people from small and large organizations to teach, learn and do business at the conference.

The CashNoir in the title of the conference references the conference’s  focus on actually spending cash within the noir community. There is an expo where businesses can actually sell their products. There is a business pitch component  in front of a distinguished panel of judges who shared their feedback with the audience after each pitch. There are tech oriented panels, personal productivity panels, leadership training, success secrets of black millionaires, diversity and affirmative action, social media, plans and actions for success and many additional panels to both inspire and improve black businesses.

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