Kenya Crooks takes it off pound by pound

Kenya 1

Kenya Crooks a nationally known trainer that has helped many to lose 20 – 100 pounds  or more. Crooks is passionate about helping others staying fit on a long term basis.

How did you arrive at your career choice?

After my football career was over I didn’t know what to do. I was in the gym one day and a lady asked me to help her lose weight. I helped her lose 30 pounds in 30 days. Because I didn’t know anything about the industry I thought that was normal. It wasn’t until I saw a commercial where a lady was excited about losing 30 pounds in two months did I fully realize that I had something.

What separates you from everybody else?

The results! We’ve had hundreds of people lose 50 lbs in 2 months. We’ve had hundreds of people lose 100 pounds in under five months. We also have a awesome incentive plan for those who are trying to hit their goals. We’ve had $1000 weight loss challenges all over the country — Atlanta, Augusta, Ga., Chicago, Memphis, Tenn., Houston, Greenville S.C., and Anderson S.C. We’ve given away trips to the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Paris; given away Christian Louboutins, and jewelry from Tiffany and Company. We also have “Unveilings” for my men and women to show off their new bodies. We’ve had Pastor John P. Kee, Rodney Perry, Lil G from the group Silk, Trina Braxton [“Braxton Family Values”], Erica Dixon [“Love &  Hip Hop Atlanta”], Q. Parker from the Grammy Award-winning group 112 come in and perform for my “Brick houses and total packages.” We’ve had financial seminars and self esteem seminars as well. I’m trying to change the mentality of our culture. Yes. … You’re meant to have it all!

Name three books that changed your life.

The Bible, The 4- Hour Work Week, If You’re Not First You’re Last by Grant Cardone

What is your mantra?

I will help millions of people become the people they were destined to be.

Define your brand.

My brand is based upon the improving the totality of every person with whom we work. We want to make sure all buckets are full. This goes beyond weight loss.

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