‘Scandal’ premiere to excite tonight: Welcome back Olivia Pope

KERRY WASHINGTON, KATIE LOWESAlthough she was passed over for an 2013 Emmy Award, Kerry Washington combined with a great script and writers will have you glued to the TV for its season premiere. Once again the story of a Washington, D.C., power player, who happens to be a black woman, shows you why this show is one of the most highly rated in television history.

Tonight’s season three premiere starts off with, of course, a whole new scandal to whet your appetite. Olivia Pope is exposed as the president’s mistress. But how is it going to be handled? In a sneak peek, first lady Mellie Grant (played by Bellamy Young) confronts Olivia and the president in a secure room in the White House to hash out the fact that she knows about the affair and how the three of them are going to handle the fact that now all of America knows the president of the United States has a black mistress. Sparks are sure to fly and the twists and turns as this long running affair is played out, but now in the public eye.

“Scandal’s” backstory …

But this whole show was not inspired by a Democratic president. In fact, the co-producer of the show, Judy Smith, was President Bush’s special assistant and deputy press secretary. The mind is boggled about what secrets actually are exposed or implied by the very premise of the show.

Fan reactions have been split. Some enjoy the show because it features a great black actress in a powerful role. While others are incensed that it’s a black woman playing the part of a mistress of a white man. It’s an old argument. Are black actors supposed to turn down roles because it may make the black community look bad, particularly black women? Or do we view it for what it is, pure entertainment with no basis in reality. As this show progresses with hot-button social issues and implied stereotypes in the end; it’s up to the fans of the show and sponsors to determine its fate and relative position in TV history. But one thing is for sure, Washington doesn’t disappoint at she continues to show the quality of her craft as not just a black woman but as a highly paid actress.

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