While at the Circle of Sisters Expo this weekend, Gbenga Akinnagbe, who is best known for his role as Chris Partlow on HBO’s critically acclaimed “The Wire” sat on the “Black Men Revealed” panel and discussed his take on relationships.
“In order for relationships to work, both parties needed to mutually invest time into the relationship,” he said
He went on to explain why he’s not here for the chase:
“I’m not into me chasing you or you playing hard to get because I am the man and you are the woman. I need a woman who I can stay on the phone with for more than five minutes in order for me to stay interested,”he said. FYI, he’s single, ladies!
While backstage Gbenga spoke about his upcoming projects, including a new indie film co-produced by himself and Michael Matthews (son of Chris Matthews). Newlyweeds, a dramedy/romance set in Brooklyn, N.Y., received much praise at Sundance this year and will available on Netflix soon. -kimari clarke