Cash Money gives out turkeys for Thanksgiving

2011 American Music Awards - Press Room


Ludacris also focused on helping victims of the typhoon and donated $50,000 to help the Typhoon victims.

“If we can give what we are able to help the families who have been devastated by this tragedy, we can all make a difference. You don’t need to be an entertainer to help. You just need a mobile phone. The world is made up of many voices, but we are one community. By making a text donation, we are a community of action, helping our fellow world citizens in their time of need. Suffering knows no borders. Our charity and compassion can stretch across the sea. It’s simple — you use your cell phone every day. If you can, use it today to make a $10 donation to help the people of the Philippines now,” said Ludacris, urging others to help out.

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