Nerds Xpress president Dustin Barlow is a technology evangelist

dustin barlow 2Nerds Xpress is an innovative and integrity driven Information Technology company that specializes in providing effective and affordable technology solutions to small to medium enterprises and nonprofit organizations.

Here, Nerds Xpress president Dustin Barlow, 26, shares why he’s fascinated with the technology revolution.

What inspires you to show at work every day?
My grandfather shared an old saying with me, “When you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.” Interfacing with different clients on a daily basis and actually implementing solutions that promote business growth is so enjoyable to me. I actually have fun in the process.

How did you determine your career path?
Since I was younger, I’ve been fascinated with puzzles. I spent a lot of time unscrambling multiple puzzles and never giving up until they were all reassembled. At the age of 13, several desktops from a school where my grandfather was principal were donated to me. Having a curious mind, I was eager to disassemble and reassemble to understand the true engineering of a desktop PC. From that point on, several early clients contracted me to perform PC repair services. As I learned the industry a bit better, and how my basic computer repair knowledge could evolve into something that can potentially change how business is done, it became evident IT was my natural gift and a dream to pursue. I literally went from being an independent “computer repairman” to forming a full service IT company that serves as a one-stop-shop for all forms of technology – Network Engineering, Telecom, Infrastructure Cabling, Multimedia, Graphic Design, Consulting, Etc. – to a leader in revolutionizing business practices with innovative strategies.

What other industries connect to your career choice?
We focus primarily on small to medium enterprises and nonprofits, which is typically composed of any organization with approximately 1,­250 employees as a base. We can provide our unique strategies from a small mom-and-pop-shop to a single business owner, and up to a multi-branch, nationwide enterprise. Whether you have a real estate office, tax services office, hotel, are a private health care provider or no matter what type of industry your organization falls in we have solutions. Our new strategic, pre­packaged solution utilizes the latest in cloud delivery and industry proven hardware that delivers IT in a utility like form. From a business owner’s standpoint, you flip the light switch and it ignites like electricity. Eliminating the burden of technology worries and distraction from running a business is common ground that is not relative to any industry.

Describe the future skill sets that are essential to future business leader and innovators.
New leaders need to understand that the world has changed. We are no longer perform on a domestic stage but now a global stage. It is possible to have such a larger outreach when taking into account social media and other forms of global communication. This model truly makes our possibilities virtually endless on who are audience is. I also feel new leaders need to respect the past but look into the future. Change is accelerating and to stay relevant in today’s market, you must stay with or ahead of the curve.

Define innovation methods you apply to your business and life.
Innovation is what keeps us relevant. Traditional IT was profitable based on the break­-fix model. It is not hard for an organization to have a request for corporate email and a traditional provider will sell them a server, exchange license, support contract, backup, etc. and yield a large profit. Making a conscious and integrity-driven business decision to implement a solution that yields very small profit during implementation and literally no hardware/software sell was aided by the decision our solution has a true added value to customers. Innovation comes from redirecting those funds to other areas that will develop our client’s business. Education plays a key role in innovation, Nerds Xpress hosts seminars on best practices and how to use our solutions to increase revenue. The educational workshops are available to all clients. Let’s say we eliminate the traditional break­-fix model or the non­proactive support and implement our “business in a box” strategy to your organization. Initially you might notice a slight increase in your monthly expenditure. However, if this technique is now yielding a 50 to ­70% profit increase – due to innovative strategies with no downtimes, increased productivity, and the ability to focus on what you do best, running your business – I feel the cost is more than justified and that is the true meaning of innovation. I look for innovation, daily. Finding an app to control the lighting in my house and effectively preparing myself for the challenges of the day are both examples of incorporating innovation in my daily life. I feel the overall goal of innovation is the art of finding a way to make something better in all ways.

Describe goal setting methods you use and how you evaluate your success.
I actually rate each day. I utilize a whiteboard to measure the productivity and exactly what was accomplished on a daily basis to keep all action items moving forward. John Wooden once said, “Make every day your masterpiece.” This quote has stuck with me and I apply it everyday. I evaluate my success on the Nerds Xpress reputation and how many business were transformed and grew due to their partnership with Nerds Xpress.

Who do you consider your peers in you field and a few that are great examples you can get support and best practices?
Our partners are actually my peers in the field. Myself, as well as Nerds Xpress as a whole, personally look up to them for support and best practices. Rather the partner is a manufacturer such as Cisco, or a partner IT company such as IC Datacom, we leverage their experience and helping hands. As I progressed in the field, I learned that leveraging partnerships with manufacturers became more and more beneficial. The specialized support and their ability to assist us through the sale cycle is priceless. I stand by the moral belief that instead of creating competition, lets look at how we can collaborate. There is plenty opportunity out here and together as a team we can truly provide a impact.

What information and increased skill methods do you use?
As mentioned previously, leveraging our manufacturers and distribution partnerships has played a large role. I attend events hosted by both, to not only network with other industry experts but to obtain knowledge directly from the creator.

Name you favorite role models for success in two industries.
Believe it or not, I look up to Thomas Edison because of his ability to not only invent a lightbulb, but also build the components required to build a lightbulb. His theory played a large role on my philosophies. Determine the final product. If the component is missing, let’s engineer it and make it happen. Another role model which is more relevant to my industry is the CEO of Oracle, Larry Ellison. I look up to his ability to start from nowhere and become one of the world’s richest men by simply applying the theory of “hopping onboard at the right time.” During the time of the Internet boom, Ellison was able to determine his niche and utilize the opportunity in front of him to make Oracle what it is today. Having identified there’s a technology revolution, it is up to me to take the risk and insert Nerds Xpress.

Names three books that changed how you saw life and you recommend to others.
I will have to start with the Bible. I’m a God-fearing individual who abides by doing right, and living according to the Bible. It’s not that it has changed my life, but it serves as a guide in my life. The science of getting rich also changed how I saw life because it gets into the real basis of being a wealthy and a successful individual. At age 26, I’ve been able to identify the realm of possibilities and where my business venture can truly go. This book serves as a foundation to help shape me as I climb the ladder of success and has changed my entire outlook of what wealth is as a science. The bio released after the death of Steve Jobs was also an eye opener for me. To understand his past and identify his philosophies really had a huge impact on me as a person. I’ve had to sell myself and acquiring knowledge to succeed has made it easy to relate to his determination to change the world as we see it today. Standing firm with your beliefs, persistence and innovation are imperative. Understanding his business philosophy, “technology that is simple and just works” directly relates to the culture of Nerds Xpress in our service delivery.

Explain why life long learning is important to you.
Without understanding the concept of lifelong learning, you are bound to fail. The world evolves rapidly and if you do not consistently feed yourself with knowledge, you will be left behind.

Describe the voice of success that you here in your head.
Honestly, as strange as it may sound, on a daily basis I hear something telling me that I am unique and created to succeed. My gifts and relationships did not just happen for no reason. They happened so I can use them and make a difference in this world. God creates certain events in your life for a reason. You either learn from them or you use them to grow. My youth and ability to be a natural born leader can motivate others and show them they can too be successful. The goal to build Nerds Xpress not so I can be rich but to help other organizations grow and demonstrate to the community that if you have a idea or a talent, use it to help others and have a positive impact on the world.

Community success based on what you do in the community means what to you?
Community success is a very vital thing to me. I’ve spent a majority of my life in the city of Detroit and I understand the challenges the community faces. When I perform services in urban schools and communities, it brings joy to my heart to have an individuals look up to my leadership and find a sense of hope or encouragement to advance. I actively engage with community development organizations to find any form of fit for Nerds Xpress. Youth engagement, education, and the mentoring aspects of Nerds Xpress is what really determines community success.

Technology plays what role in your daily life?
Almost every role. I am a firm believer of not selling a product that the company does not use. Every solution we implement has been tested – a lot of the time in my personal life.

What software and tool of technology apps include has made the biggest difference in your life?
I would have to say my smart phone. The geek I am will find a way to maximize total usage of my phone. As mobile device technology continues to grow, I find ways to make my life simpler by using my phone. I literally use my phone for everything including changing the channel on my TV to adjusting the HVAC in my house.

How do music and cultural event align with your self ­identity?
I recognize that music and culture can really shape one’s identity. Staying current is huge to me because without knowing modern culture, often times it makes it more difficult to function in society. Music, whether its the hip-hop or country music culture, is a vehicle for one’s voice to be heard. Possibilities are expanded when you have a open mind. I apply that theory to relate to what’s promoted in music and culture to my own self identity. It is advantageous to be abreast of the latest society trends in both personal and business life.

Define your personal culture.
At heart, I am a true geek who is fascinated with technology. However, I do believe in enjoying my life and understanding the importance of doing what you love most. One thing I admire about Larry Ellison is his passions outside of his IT company: being a licensed pilot and an adrenaline junky. Since the age of 16, I’ve been fascinated with fast cars. I actually built a Ford Mustang at the age of 17; it became a full on drag race car that I raced on the weekend at the track. To this day, I have owned and driven several high performance vehicles and that play a large role in my personal culture. Everyday, I strive to be around individuals who are like-minded and do something that’s enjoyable. Life is short and precious; it is important that every minute spent is enjoyable.

What is your favorite vacation spot?
Another component of personal culture is travel. I love to travel and explore new places while learning different cultures. I would have to say Florida is my favorite vacation spot. I love being by the ocean and the live, friendly cities. Miami has always been tons of fun for me and I strive to go three times a year.

If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
I can sum it up in one word, acceptance. The ability for people to accept each other for their differences: accept who they are as a person, and the world we live in.

If you could change one thing about your self what would it be?
When it comes to self reflection, I do not believe in changing. I believe in improving. Individuals should be confident with who they are. Any recognizable flaws should be examined and then its up to one to determine how they can improve. I believe self-development should be part of a daily routine.

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