People always say “don’t mess with the people who make your food” but they also say “don’t mess with a cop”. A Pizza Hut Manager in Tennessee actually spat in the pizza of the officer who arrested her for DUI. Pizza Hut manager Amanda Engle, 29, was making a delicious pizza pie for Deputy Frank Rogers when she decided to add a free topping, a wad of spit. “As the defendant removed the pizza from the oven I observed her cut her eyes and look at me. The defendant then leaned over the pizza that she had began to slice and I observed her spit on the pizza which had been purchased by me,” Officer Frank wrote in his report. The officer immediately went over to Engle who said she knew he was and the officer made an arrest for misdemeanor disorderly conduct.
Engle was mad about her arrest in April of 2013 when she allowed an intoxicated person to drive her car. In Tennessee law that means that the owner of the vehicle is also charged with a DUI. Engle is free on a $500 bond and is scheduled to appear in court in February. Pizza hut also fired her from her job.