Rich white teen Ethan Couch kills 4 in deadly wreck, gets shocking sentence

Rich Kid set to Rehab for killing 4
Ethan Couch sent Rehab for Affluenza killing  of 4  while drunk

Ethan Couch sent to Rehab for killing 4

What a world we live in. Ethan Couch who killed 4 people while driving drunk gets to go to a $1,200 a day rehab center. But the citizens do not have to bear the burden of his stay; his father will pay the bill. State District Judge Jean Boyd, who accepted the ‘Affluenza’ defense which stated in part that Couch’s parents were so rich that they gave him everything he wanted and because of their wealth, no limits were ever set. Based on this defense, the judge agreed and said that because of his upbringing he was not responsible for his actions.  So when sentencing time came around, that same judge gave him 10 years probation and sent him to rehab. The rehab center Couch will be sent to has not been identified and the court proceedings were closed to the public.

As part of the conditions of his probation he must refrain from drugs and alcohol and will not be allowed to drive. The families of the victims were outraged, “Had he (Couch) not had money to have the defense there, to also have the experts testify, and also offer to pay for the treatment, I think the results would have been different,” stated Eric Boyles who lost his wife and daughter because of Couch.

The ‘Affluneza’ defense is not a joke and should be taken seriously; because of Judge Boyd’s actions in Texas on the bench she has set legal precedent. But even though black defendants have claimed for years that they have suffered because of their life of poverty, none have ever been sent to a  $1,200/day rehab center or declared damaged after killing 4 people.

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