Shakira blasted by Columbian politician for promoting lesbianism

Shakira & Rihanna - Video Cover

Shakira had millions of men and women across the globe wagging their tongues when she got to live out their fantasy about fellow hot girl pop star Rihanna and writhed around with her in their new “Can’t Remember to Forget You” video. However, a politician in Colombia isn’t too happy about Shakira’s hot new video and is claiming she’s spreading homosexuality with it.

According to U.K.’s the Daily Mail, Marco Fidel Ramirez, a Public Option party councillor, from the capital of Bogota, is calling on Colombia’s National Television Authority to ban the video from being broadcast on any of the nation’s channels.

In a passionate Twitter rant, Ramirez said that the video “damages the moral character of the youth of Bogota, Colombia and Latin America.”

Ramirez claimed that the video promotes lesbianism, tobacco use, stealing and killing.

“Our Shakira with her erotic video is promoting tobacco usage and has become the worst example for our youth,” he wrote on his Twitter feed.

“Shakira’s new video is a shameless case for lesbianism and immorality. It is a danger to children,” he added, using the hashtag #PeligroVideoShakira, which translates to “Dangers of Shakira’s Video.”

Shakira & Rihanna - Video Still

Ramirez added that he thought the video was “simply gross” and that “It sends a provocative message to weak people who can be polluted and induced to practice (lesbianism).”

Well, last time we checked, homosexuality, like heterosexuality and bisexuality, is something people are born with. And the only negative message being promoted in this situation is the hate toward an innocent group of people that is being spewed by Ramirez.

Regardless of Ramirez’s feelings about the video, it’s still gained over 77 million views in just six days and with controversy and wonder still surrounding the video, we guess Shakira could be grateful for Ramirez for only working to promote her video by making it sound so enticing.

Check out some other people in the spotlight who’ve made homophobic comments as well after the cut. –nicholas robinson

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