BOCA RATON, Fla. — Psyche Terry got such a rush from the jolt of adrenaline while presenting her line of Urban Intimates lingerie to female millionaires during the Black Enterprise “Women of Power Summit” that she could have literally levitated right off the ground.
Because of Macy’s, Terry was invited by Black Enterprise magazine down to the Boca Raton Resort and Country Club in Boca Raton, Fla., for the Macy’s sponsored fashion show and exhibit during the exclusive conference. To sit on a panel discuss how to bring your sexy back and to have these black wealthy women tell her they love her product line gave her a rush she has never experienced before.
“I never thought that I would ever be at a place like this telling black women — multimillionaire women — how to get their sexy back. But, because of Macy’s, I had that opportunity and it was fabulous. I feel great about it and I feel great about making other ladies feel great and helping them love their curves,” Terry exclaimed.
But when the compliments from these esteemed women of means and influence about her Urban Intimates Lingerie flowed through, you could have pushed Terry over with a feather.
“It felt surreal. To have a multimillionaire woman look at me and say ‘I like your brand,’ and to have my brand to be considered to be considered the same level as a Ralph Lauren or Calvin Klein or DKNY, and to have them say ‘I love your brand’ it is a feeling like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”
Terry’s Urban Intimates serve curvy to voluptuous women who may have difficulty pouring their attributes into mainstream clothing and lingerie, serving customers from 32DD to 44H. She can be found in 10 Macy’s stores, particularly in the Atlanta regional stores such as Greenbriar and South DeKalb malls.
“The thing that is unique about us is that we fit bodies in styles that would normally only be found in small cups. But we blow those curves up and we do beautiful trim. And we really touch a girls heart because they say ‘Oh, my God! I didn’t know that you had that for me.’”
The success of Terry’s Urban Intimates is the confirmation she needed that she did the right thing to un-handcuff herself from an unfulfilling job and strike out on her own.
“I feel that much more confident about walking away from corporate America, which is what I did. I chucked my 401K (into her brand) and that’s who I am,” Terry testifies. “And I feel that it was worth it because these women are validating my brand my purchasing my clothes because at the end of the day, dollars says everything. It makes me feel like I did the right thing.”
Terry said she got her start by attending the “Workshop at Macy’s” and it took “my brand from that to THAT (extending her thumb and forefinger to demonstrate how much her Urban Intimate Lingerie has grown from small to significant).
“I am so excited,” Terry added.
Psyche Terry’s keys to success:
1. To make sure that I have power players on my team, to make sure that you are pulling up, so that’s my power players.
2. To make sure that I am pulling side-by-side, that is someone who is right in line with you. I am able to talk to another brand that came in at the same time as I did and say ‘girl, what did you do?’ ‘How did you make that happen?’ And ‘Are you having the same problems as I am?’
3. And then have someone that you are pulling up. If you are not pulling up someone, then what is the purpose of being there?
A good book Terry read that helped her on her journey to success:
“Emotional Intelligence 2.0” was definitely a very good book for me. It helped me figure out what are my levels of intelligence are from an emotional standpoint and how should I be responding to different things from a conscious standpoint and business standpoint.
Urban Intimates’ Social Media contacts:
Facebook.com/Urban Intimates
Twitter: @UrbanIntimates
YouTube: Urban Intimates