Cop sues after being demoted for reporting ogling of Whitney Houston’s body


The Beverly Hills cop who was demoted when he turned in his fellow officer for ogling Whitney Houston’s dead body at the Beverly Hilton hotel is now suing the department.

A lawsuit filed by Officer Brian Weir alleges that not everyone in the room was as mature and he was eventually demoted for reporting the misconduct.

As NBC News reported exclusively in September, when a preliminary claim was filed, Officer Brian Weir’s lawsuit alleges that then-Det. Sgt. Terry Nutall lifted the sheet covering the dead pop superstar’s naked body and commented, “Damn, she’s still looking good, huh?”

Weir’s lawsuit alleges that as the senior patrol sergeant on duty, he “attempted to secure and preserve the scene of the death” and had placed a sheet over Houston’s body to “prevent contamination” before Nutall arrived and removed it “to an area below the pubic region.”

Weir alleges he was removed from his position as head of the department’s SWAT team after reporting the alleged misconduct. The suit, filed on his behalf by attorney Christopher Brizzolara, seeks unspecified damages for pain and suffering and loss of special unit pay.

NBC News could not reach Nutall, who has since been promoted to lieutenant, for comment.

The Beverly Hills SWAT team hasn’t really come to an agreeable statement on the matter but Lt. Lincoln Hoshino went on record last year to dispute Heir’s claim so this may end in stalemate.

The Houston family has yet to comment on the matter, if they will at all, but they also could be too busy fist fighting one another to notice.

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