“ABC 7 Eyewitness News” sponsored a fundraiser this past weekend for the very unique nonprofit organization, Focus on Tomorrow. It was hosted by “Windy City Live’s” very own Ji Suk Yi. The event was held at The Chop Shop 1st Ward in the Chicago Loop. I got the opportunity to be a part of this jovial day and see firsthand how important this organization is to our Chicago youth.

Focus on Tomorrow is an After School Matters program-internship that offers hands-on experience to Chicago public high school students to produce their own media content. The program involves multiple skilled television professionals to educate these students on how to prepare for the workforce in this competitive industry.
The schools that feature a career training education program and partners with Chicago Public Schools are chosen for a tour. The Focus on Tomorrow directors pitch the idea to the selected schools’ students that are enrolled in some type of broadcasting program. Then, the students are interviewed before a final decision is made.

Directors of the organization, William Barroso and Samantha Zackowitz, two prestigious ABC professionals, feel that these students are all very unique and admirable for putting their hard-work and dedication into each project given. The students participate in media packages; on social problems, feature stories and the latest fads. Focus on Tomorrow thrives on perseverance and determination. Their mission is to strive to create and improve programs that encourage Chicago high school students’ creativity and to challenge themselves individually and professionally.

Ultimately, this is an excellent program for students to become a part of and use their time to expand their potential. With Chicago’s youth death rate at an all-time high, Focus on Tomorrow, is a God-given opportunity to save our youth.

The organization’s supporters include: ABC 7 “Eyewitness News,” Illinois Center for Broadcasting, Kendall College and No Ketchup Productions. This was the organization’s second event.
If you would like more information visit www.focus-on-tomorrow.org.
~dana williams