Ferguson police ignore Constitution by attacking protesters


The Ferguson, Missouri, police caused an American city to look like a war-torn country in the Middle East. Last night peaceful protests over the killing of Michael Brown turned chaotic when police officers forced the entire area to disperse shortly before dark.

Heavily armed with machine guns, shields and SWAT gear, more than 70 police officers aimed their guns at men, women and children who were participating in a nonviolent protest. It was a display of force that was never used during the mostly white Occupy Wall Street protests several years ago.

However, the black citizens of Ferguson were being treated like foreigners in their own country.

The situation became worse shortly before dark. Police forced the crowd to disperse and shut down local businesses without issuing a legal curfew. It was a clear violation of the First Amendment right to assemble.

Two reporters (Wesley Lowery of The Washington Post, Ryan Reilly of Huffington Post) were arrested and jailed when they didn’t leave McDonald’s fast enough for the police. The police also told the journalists they couldn’t film them and never gave their name or badge numbers.

Once the sun went down, the police became more aggressive by shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at peaceful protesters. A barricade was placed in the middle of the street and some residents weren’t allowed to walk to their homes. Some who were at their homes had tear gas bombs explode in their yards. An unarmed man was photographed as a laser from a police officer’s 5.56 caliber sniper gun was pointed at his back.

Police also fired tear gas at an Al Jazeera America news crew.

The police created havoc and havoc ensued. The peaceful protest soon became a clash as some protesters attempted to fight back by throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails.

Meanwhile, the investigation of Brown’s death appears to be moving at a snail’s pace. The police chief has yet to release the name of the officer who shot and killed Brown. It’s an unusual decision considering that police officers who are involved in shootings are listed in public records.

America has never resolved its issue with racism. As the Ferguson story makes headlines around the world, it proves, again, that it will take more than a black president to change the mentality of a country that has always struggled with race.

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