Nicki Minaj’s anaconda bites dancer during VMA rehearsal

Nicki Minaj Anaconda video photos 2

Dancer is bitten by snake during Nicki Minaj VMA rehersals

A giant snake, believed to be an anaconda, has bitten a dancer during rehearsal for Nicki Minaj’s VMA performance of her new hit single, “Anaconda.”

According to reports, Minaj was on stage performing her hit when a female dancer was bitten by the reptile.

The dancer was immediately transported to the hospital for treatment. Although anacondas are non-venomous snakes, they often transmit bacteria that can lead to serious infections.

The 6-foot-long snake has since been removed from the stage in a container. There has been no word on the dancer’s condition or whether MTV plans to 86 the snake from Minaj’s live telecast altogether.

Minaj is just one of many celebrities to care for exotic pets. Hit the flip for more stars with strange animal/reptile friends below. – ruthie hawkins/@ruubabie

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