Stuck in success limbo? 7 strategic tips to make the necessary moves

Dr._Nicole_LaBeach_7.17When you read the title “Stuck in Success Limbo,” what’s the first thing that came to mind? Was it a career move, business venture, relationship, idea, dream, next level transition or a combination of the aforementioned items? If success appears to be eluding you, help is on the way. Get ready to dig a little deeper and use the tips below to press toward the mark and make your limbo a thing of the past.

Tip 1: Ask Yourself – What color is the ball? So here’s the thing, if you’re absolutely sure it’s one color, that may be the hidden opportunity you didn’t know you had. Yes, perspective is everything but it can also be limiting because it considers a singular vantage point. That being said, who has the ability to look at your circumstance and give you a different perspective on how to achieve your goal? Take a chance and pick 3 people who have the subject matter expertise to truly spar with your perspective so you can gain a different and value added vantage point. Taking nothing away from your achievements to this point, it may just be time to seek wise council and explore options that were previously unnoticed or considered.

Tip 2: Ask Yourself – Is my foundation strong? It’s impossible to build a skyscraper on a foundation limited to a two-story building. Have you truly covered the necessary basics for the greatest chance at success? It may be time to go back to the beginning and make sure you’ve covered all the bases. For example, if it’s a relationship, are you clear on what the other person values and if your fundamental beliefs align? If it’s a new business, do you have a strong business plan and operating agreement? If success eludes you, take the time to go back to the beginning to see if it offers a missing link or potential game changer that can benefit you.

Tip 3: Ask Yourself – Am I on a path or a treadmill? Only you can assess whether you’re doing the same thing and expecting a different result. When you look objectively, are you engaging in the same attitude, approach, and actions though their yielding undesirable results? If you don’t change any or all of these factors you stand the risk of being on a proverbial treadmill going nowhere – even if you exert a lot of energy. So, what’s been your pattern? Dare to change it up. Get uncomfortable and try something different. And, invite one or two people to hold you accountable in this effort so you don’t revert back to old habits before you can truly assess if it’s working for you.

Tip 4: Ask Yourself – Am I shooting for the wrong target? When success limbo plaques a circumstance, the critical question is not whether or not you should quit. It’s more about whether or not you should attempt to meet the particular target in the first place – Is it a fit for you? More specifically, what is your true intention and/or motivation? Is the target aligned with who you are, your core beliefs, your gifts, talents, and purpose? Every success story can speak to adversity, resistance, rejection, and the like but there are times when it comes solely from the fact that you’re on the wrong track running the wrong race. If you’re on the wrong track it’s not about quitting, it’s about getting off so you can get on the track that’s right for you. And, if you’re running someone else’s race because it was successful for them, be warned, it was successful for them because it was their race to be successful at.

Tip 5: Ask Yourself – Am I going solo when I should be in a team effort? There are times when it’s clear we’ve gone as far as we can go as a solo act. The next level may require a distribution of the work and another set of hands to make success a reality. The key is to find the person(s) with the skill, resource, and integrity necessary to fill the gap in question. Is it time for you to partner with someone to help leverage your success? Don’t think of doing so as a loss but, instead think of it as an addition that may help pull things together.

Tip 6: Ask Yourself – Am I being hustled by fear? Not to be under estimated, fear can be a big factor when it comes to success. Fear of success, change, failure, loss and countless others can come into play to keep you in limbo. However, in most cases your options are three fold, move without fear, move with fear, or be stopped by fear. Because fears greatest goal is paralysis, it can only be successfully combated with movement. In fact, movement to fear is like kryptonite was to Superman. Not only does it hate movement, but the further you go, the more your momentum will naturally diminish its affect. I once heard someone say, if you get tangled up just tango on. In short, keep moving even if you have to take fear with you!

Tip 7: Ask Yourself – Am I giving it my all? Success requires commitment, consistency, focus, sacrifice, and work. Are you half way in and half way out? Are you in the sometimes zone expecting a full commitment outcome? What has it taken for other people to be successful at what you’re seeking to be successful in? Is your effort and commitment consistent and comparable to theirs? If not, what will you do to step up your game and keep yourself encouraged as you make it to the finish line? Choose to see this as your season, give it your all, and watch what the return on your investment brings!

Dr. Nicole LaBeach is a success strategist who has changed the lives of all who dared to strive for their personal best. She represents a new generation of life, relationship, and executive coaches. Dr. Nicole is the CEO of Volition Enterprises Inc., a premier personal and professional development firm. Please visit her website:

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