Airbrush King: DeAngelo Ellis leads video game takeover



Business: Airbrush King

Title: CEO

Active: 6 years

How did you get started?

I use to draw a lot in high school and after I graduated, I started selling my drawings. As fate would have it I went to an airbrush store in the mall and I saw them airbrush a Sponge Bob shirt for $200.00. I immediately went home and asked my mom to buy me an airbrush kit for my birthday. I was 18 at the time and wasn’t financially stable. I was having difficulty finding a job so my mom bought the airbrush pen for me and I began to hone my craft by getting a job at Astroworld theme park. I came in with my designs and got the job immediately. I originally took the job because I wanted to build my clientele and gain knowledge of the airbrush business. It was like a paid internship for me! I learned how they operated their business and it taught me how I wanted to operate my business. Once I left Astroworld and started my own company, I was solicited by day cares, storefronts and barbershops asking me to airbrush the sides of their buildings and the company took off from there.

How did you branch out to include logos and web design?

I airbrushed a large order of shirts for a client and she asked me if I could sketch up a logo. I told her that we did not offer those services but she told me her budget and I could not turn it down. I started researching and found someone who would help me with the project and the client loved it so that was my intro into another service. We have now expanded to include web designs and mobile apps services which has helped us to become one of the largest clientele based airbrush companies online.


Tell me about your connection with the Texas Gaming Championships?

We are one of the biggest video game tournament organizers in Texas. My partner and I have put on events for gamers for about six years now and our monthly events turnout an average of 150 players. We are the only team to crank out those numbers. We will be rolling out our new series, the Texas gaming championship, which will pit Dallas against Houston and Houston against Laredo and San Antonio. We have already garnered sponsorships from Devry and are looking to add AT&T and Nintendo within the new year.

What is your ultimate career goal?

Next year we are set to net our first million. We will be launching a social network under the airbrush king umbrella, I lost weight dot com, along with our new airbrush king mobile app will catapult us to that level. I’m 28 so my ultimate career goal would be to net $100 million to $500 million by the time I am 35. This is a huge kingdom that I am building and for me there is no standing still.

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