Ferguson, the protection of Darren Wilson, and America’s neglect of Black lives


The racism that has plagued America reared its ugly head, again. On the night of Nov. 24, the justice system failed Michael Brown’s family, the citizens of Ferguson, and Blacks in America.

Attorney Robert McCulloch revealed that there was no probable cause to charge or indict officer Darren Wilson with the killing of Brown. Before making the announcement, McCulloch went on a ridiculous diatribe about social media and how it led to misinformed ideas. It was a telling moment about McCulloch’s character and how this entire case was mishandled.

From the onset, McCulloch found ways to protect officer Wilson. Brown was shot 12 times and Wilson intended to kill him. However, instead of initially charging Wilson, McCulloch decided to take the case to a grand jury that, reportedly, was made up of nine whites and three blacks.

McCulloch concluded that the grand jury agreed that Wilson was justified in killing Brown. In turn, Brown’s family will never get the opportunity to see Wilson charged for the death of their son. It also takes away an opportunity for the citizens of Ferguson to see the evidence firsthand.

Overall, the decision was a another gross form of injustice that proves that America continues to neglect the importance of black lives. Our ancestors dealt with their brutality during slavery; our grand parents suffered through Jim Crow; and this generation continues to be haunted by America’s systematic form of racism that allows black bodies to be sacrificed without recourse.

Some in Ferguson rioted on the night of Wilson’s non-indictment as others called for peace. But how can there be peace when violence and injustice have been allowed to be perpetrated on a race of people for centuries?

The answers will have to come quickly. America must destroy racism, or racism will eventually destroy America.

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