19 of the best part-time jobs for college students


You’ve made it to the grand halls of higher education. You might have been fortunate enough to get grants or scholarships (or have well-off parents) to cover your books, classes, housing and meals. But if you want to get and enjoy some of that carefree college life — you might need to find a good part time job (unless, of course, you do have very well-off parents who don’t mind kicking out a few extra bucks).

The best part time jobs directly on campus:

1. College Tour Guide – Show potential students and their parents around the campus. If you’ve been on campus for a bit, you know all of the points of interest, you’ll just have to get a little primer on some the school’s history to top it off.
2. Teaching Assistant – If you’ve shown that you excel in certain areas, why not make it work for you? As an assistant you can earn cash while getting yourself more ingrained in the educational experience.
3. Tutor – Again, if you have an aptitude for certain subjects, you can utilize that knowledge before you even get out into the world. Tutoring other students who need a hand can be a real win-win for all concerned; cash in your pockets, and better grades for them.
4. Campus IT Support – If you’re going into (or have a lot of experience with) technology, you can earn pretty good money by helping to keep your campus buzzing along in the technical arena. This will earn you money for extracurricular activities and get you a leg up for your resume.
5. Campus Admin – Just like the old high school days, you can put some of your skills and knowledge to work in the office. Only now you can do it for a paycheck and in a variety of different offices.
6. Campus Maintenance – If you are attending a school with a sizable campus, you can check with the campus management office on openings for campus maintenance. For guys and girls who like working in the great outdoors or can appreciate the finer points of building maintenance, this job is easy as pie.
7. Research Assistant – Many colleges have substantial budgets allocated to research in various areas. As a student, you can apply for a paid position that could give you some serious on-the-job experience in your chosen field.
8. Campus Book Store – This might be one of the more sought after jobs on your campus. This job could come with the benefit of discounted books, as well as flexible hours.
9. Campus Library Monitor – Because of the flexibility and limited demands of the job, this position gives you the opportunity to work and study in the same place. You’re simply monitoring your designated area, keeping the library tidy and orderly. In between busy spurts, you’ll have plenty of study time.

The best part time non-campus jobs:

1. Coffee House Server – Serve up the very same coffee that you might need to keep you going on those endless nights of cramming.
2. Babysitting – Have classmates with children? Why not set yourself up in business? Experience with children is a bonus, but you can learn on the job.
3. Restaurant Server – Everybody loves to eat, and sometimes your college peers might even offer a decent tip for your troubles.
4. Participant in Studies – Often times there are different studies that call for the participation of those with higher levels of education. Usually quick and painless, you can try a product or service out prior to its release to the general market.
5. Gym or Fitness Center Worker – With openings ranging from towel manager to smoothie bar attendant, the options and opportunities are many.
6. Personal Trainer – While we’re looking at the gym, working as a personal trainer could be the perfect gig for you, if you have the experience or perhaps it relates to your career.
7. Department Store Sales Rep. – This works great for a business major, giving them valuable ground-up experience in the supply chain flow.
8. App Designer – If you’re entering the technical arena and understand coding and design, there are an abundance of jobs available for kids who might design the next Instagram.
9. Writer – Whether you’re writing papers for fellow students or contracted as a writer for a local publication, you can earn cash by putting your writing talents to work.
10. Grocery Store Clerk – Last, but not least, working as a grocery clerk could give you the flexibility you need as a student coupled with real world experience in customer service.

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