Man travels 26 hours on bus for underage threesome

Photo:FBI Mugshot
Photo: FBI mug shot

A person who destroys the innocence of children is a sick individual. The FBI works constantly to catch these sick predators before they can harm another child and Abdul Lamont Gamble, 40, was one such perp. According to the FBI, Gamble who lives in La Grande, Oregon, made contact with a person who was going to arrange a threesome with his daughters. The threesome would involve two girls ages 12 and 15 and reportedly the arrangement was being made by a parent.

Little did Gamble know he was actually talking to an undercover FBI agent who first made contact with Gamble in 2013. The agent was able to maintain online communication with Gamble from 2013 through this year by using social media, emails and texting. It was in April that he finally got on a Greyhound bus and traveled 26 hours from Oregon to Kansas City, Missouri,, a distance of 1,782 miles, to have his threesome with the girls, He met the FBI agent at the bus station and gave him $100 upfront with a promise of another $150 when he was done. The pair stopped at a nearby CVS and Gamble was arrested by law enforcement when he exited the car. Gamble pleaded guilty to his crimes on Monday of this week and faces up to 30 years in prison without parole and a $250,000 fine. .

The successful sting operation is part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative to combat child exploitation and abuse. The multi-jurisdictional program allows federal, state and local law enforcement to work together to “locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who sexually exploit children, and to identify and rescue victims.”

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