If you were a fan of the HBO series “Entourage,” you will absolutely be thrilled to see the gang reunited for the feature-length film. But the best thing that I can say about the film version of Entourage is that it is still just as enjoyable if you weren’t a fan of the series or never even watched an episode of the show.
The film opens with Eric (Kevin Connolly), Johnny (Kevin Dillon), and Turtle (Jerry Ferrara) on a speedboat heading toward the divorce celebration of Vince Chase (Adrian Grenier), the movie star who was married for only nine days. The parting words from his short-lived wife were to tell him that a script for a film he was supposed to be in was awful, and that he was “better than that,” to which he agreed. His next step? Call his former manager, Ari Gold, (Jeremy Piven), who has recently taken a job as a film executive.
The next big move for Vince? Star in and direct a film. His entourage was shocked, as was Ari, but eventually, they all became supportive in his quest to both star in and direct his first film. Conflict arises when the film is once again over budget, and Ari needs to pay a visit to Texas to speak with a huge financier of the film, Larsen McCredle, (Billy Bob Thorton).
Larsen and his son Travis (Haley Joel Osment) then begin to wreak havoc in the world of Vince, Ari and crew as we follow them on the quest to finish the film. It must be a joy for the actors to return to roles that are the most pivotal of their careers, and all return with the same enthusiasm as we remembered from the series. Eric’s love interest Sloan (Emmauelle Chriqui) has a memorable turn in the film and Lloyd (Rex Lee) is absolutely hilarious reprising his role.
This film has the most cameos I ever recall seeing, and It would take far too long to name every single one, but some of the more memorable ones include UFC fighter Ronda Rousey, journalist Piers Morgan, hip-hop artist T.I.and his wife Tiny, actor Bob Saget, former Olympian Greg Louganis, singer and producer Pharrell, actor Mark Wahlberg, and actress Jessica Alba.
I strongly suggest you and your entourage check out this fun film, one that I am sure will be one of the best of the summer season.
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