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Dorien Wilson gave us an update on who else will co-star on the new show that premiered Aug. 25 on Bounce TV at 9 p.m. EST.
Rolling out cameras were able to catch up with actor Dorien Wilson, best known from UPN’s “The Parkers” as (Mo’Nique) Nikki Parker’s imaginary boo thang “Professor Oglevee.” Well, we are ecstatic to see “The Professor” back on television. This time it’s the Bounce TV Network and the show titled “In The Cut,” was created by Bentley Kyle Evans (who also created “Martin”).

Yes, Bentley Kyle Evans is a director, producer, content creator of some of the original successful Black successful television shows that paved the way for shows like “In the Cut” to stand a chance on networkTV.

What can the audience expect? Well, we got a chance to chop it up with Wilson on the red carpet at the Bronze Lens Film Festival in Atlanta during the Steve Harvey “Hoodie Awards” weekend. This was a monumental weekend for Wilson as he was convinced by a little birdie to finally get on instagram and you can now follow him on IG @Dorienwilson and let him know how you are enjoying the show.