Burn Your Box!: 3 Ways To Have A Greater Appreciation For Yourself
The world we live in tries to force us into a box. Advertisers, politicians and even our parents create labels to try to define us. The tragedy of allowing others to define you is that you can miss out on exploring your potential and not tap into that part of you that is designed to create abundance and significance in life. That’s your star power!
I’ve spoken to corporations, ministries, students and prisoners, and all these individuals have one thing in common: they all want more out of life. What often happens is we look to our past for evidence that we can be more, do more or have more in life. Although many of us have significant accomplishments, we dwell on the disappointments of past dreams we didn’t take action on because we felt inferior to the dream or vision. As a result, we return to our comfort zone, because our boxes are more comfortable and familiar than stepping into the darkness of our unexplored potential.
You must realize your potential can’t fit inside a box. In fact, we build these boxes with limiting beliefs we’ve adopted throughout our life’s experiences. To bust out of your box for good, you need a greater awareness and appreciation of your star power potential. Here are three powerful questions that will enlarge your self-image and build greater confidence to create more of what you want in life.
Who am I?
How you see yourself is far more important than how others see you. Hint: you are not what you do for a living. If your job or career were taken away from you tomorrow, you would still possess the ability to create more and achieve significance. Take ownership and define yourself because you were created with a purpose and only you can decide what that is.
What can I do?
You have unlimited potential! The great speaker Les Brown says “it’s hard to see the picture when you’re in the frame.” Meaning it’s difficult for us to appreciate our own power to impact the world in a profound way. Take notice of what others compliment you on or situations people frequently seek your advice. These are clues to the many ways you can create success and abundance for yourself and others.
Where am I going?
It’s critical to have a larger vision of yourself because you were born to create a legacy that is to be celebrated for generations. The vision may be intimidating, but the more you ask this question the sooner you arrive.
Harriett Tubman famously said, “I saved thousands of slaves, and I could have freed thousands more if they only knew they were slaves.” Sometimes the only obstacle to experiencing the life you dream of is simply being aware that it’s possible. These questions will authenticate your individuality, and give you to a greater insight to your star power potential that’s ready to shine!
Do yourself a favor: burn your box!