Morehouse’s Dr. F. Keith Slaughter praises, ‘There is room for Farrakhan in the Black Church’

Dr. F. Keith Slaughter and the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan (Photo Source  Dr. F. Keith Slaughter)
Dr. F. Keith Slaughter and the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan (Photo Source Dr. F. Keith Slaughter)

Dr. Rev. F. Keith Slaughter is the dean of the Morehouse School of Religion on the campus of the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta. He is also the host of the popular talk radio program “The movement with Dr. F. Keith Slaughter” on WAOK. Slaughter had the privilege to host Min. Louis Farrakhan on his show and answered a few questions from rolling out about Farrakhan’s message and its impact when it comes to the Black Church.

By using the Koran and the Bible in his speeches, is Min. Louis Farrakhan an enemy of the Christian gospel?

Farrakhan carefully handles the biblical text … generally with more integrity than the average Christian preacher.

Is there room for his message in the Black church?

Yes. His message is consistent with the original and authentic message of liberation that began the Black church in the U.S. We must be reminded that the Black church began as a resistance movement to counterbalance the impact of the racist Christian church, which was/is rooted in White supremacy.

Why do you think there is a perception that the organized major Black church is afraid of his message? 

Because some colored Christians love White people and White Jesus so much that they allow White people to speak for them, meaning they assume the religious doctrine and social positions of Whites so that they [Whites] will be pleased with them [Negroes] … residual slave behavior …

Is Christianity the only religion that produces safe Black leaders for Black America?

Some people believe so; not me.

Many say the message of Dr. King countered the message of Min. Malcolm X. What national Black leader is a counter to the message of Farrakhan? Do we have a united message?

There are many Black “so-called” leaders whose messages counter the message of Farrakhan … how about Dr. Ben Carson, for instance? I believe we are at a point in our history as an oppressed people whereby we can no longer allow space for “false divisions” based on social constructions to determine whether we support each other or no.

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