In a growing consensus among the international community, the threat of ISIS is now critical. In a rare show of solidarity, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) passed a unanimous decision to take action against the terrorist organization. On Thursday, the UNSC passed a resolution stating ISIS “constitutes a global and unprecedented threat to international peace and security.”
The resolution was drafted by France in the wake of the horrific Paris attacks that killed 128 civilians and injured more than 300. The French government has conducted a series of raids across the country to apprehend those responsible for the attacks. In addition, the countries of Belgium and Germany have increased their national alert levels as ISIS promised more attacks. The group has also threatened President Obama, promising to assasinate him as well as burn down the White House.
UN Security Council resolution 2249 is important because it more than likely will lead to an international coalition to battle the group in Syria as well as other countries. In the past, Russia and China have been opposed to military actions by Western nations and have used their veto power to stifle resolutions. However, with the bombing of a Russian jet earlier this month that killed 224 people, Russia moved to take this unprecedented step. The resolution also reconfirms the UNSC efforts to address terrorist activities by Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and other affiliated terrorist organizations.