R&B singer Anthony Hamilton is a man who has achieved much success since his rise to fame in 2003. The North Carolina native admits he is pleased with his extensive catalog of musical accomplishments, but what he is most proud of is being a father of six boys who range in age from 1 to 24, including a set of twins. Despite his hectic work schedule, Hamilton has made a promise to himself to keep his family at the forefront. He spoke with rolling out to discuss his personal experience with not having a father in his life, his support for the film In My Father’s House, and how his family will be celebrating Christmas.
What made you so supportive of Rhymefest on his journey to finding his father?
I think our lives are parallel. When the opportunity presented itself I felt impelled to speak on it and not only to help others but to also free myself. It made me realize a few things about myself and take my personal situation with my father into perspective.
How hard was your life growing up without having a father?
He was there, but he was gone for a long time. I knew him, but I didn’t know him at the same time. It was hard to identify myself with somebody who didn’t understand who I was as his son. My father and I are good now. I forgave him and he has been in my life now for about seven years now. He just came over for Thanksgiving, so I am at another level with things now. I don’t try to focus on what was lost. I won’t try to make him into something that he can’t be. That comes with growth, maturity, and understanding.
Have you had moments where you look back and wish your father could have been there with you?
I don’t because I am doing it with him now and I probably would not have liked him then. I can’t even really remember how I was feeling during that time. I just try to focus on the present and enjoy the moments we share together now as father and son.
With you being a father of six boys what does Christmas look like at your house?
It’s so much fun. There are so many gifts to give and a whole lot of food. I really like to cook. It’s one of my favorite times where I get to bond with all of my family, but especially my sons.
There have been so many accounts of senseless shootings targeting young Black men. Are you ever fearful about your children’s future?
All I can do is educate them on how to conduct themselves and to be wise in their choices. I teach them not to be so hot headed. You have to respect authority so that it doesn’t go down that road. You just have to be really cautious in today’s society.
What are you hoping to instill in your children’s lives that you weren’t given when you were growing up?
I hope to give them guidance and the security of knowing that I will always be there. I want them to know that I am someone they can always depend on. I may not have all the answers, but what I don’t know I will find out to help them. I want them to see me as a good father?
What do you think viewers reactions are going to be when they watch this film?
I want them to see that no one is perfect. There are great people who just fall on hard times. People make mistakes and there is nothing wrong with giving second chances. I think people are going to become very emotional when they watch it because the story will probably hit close to home for them. It is a very powerful documentary.