Earlier this month, fans watched with surprise as Apollo Nida and Peter Thomas’ friendhsip took a major hit when Nida accused Thomas of being a fake friend and not visiting him in prison. The two former buddies haven’t spoken online about their friendship since their heated back and forth on Instagram. However, Thomas recently spoke with Nida and explained that he’s still shocked and apalled that Nida made such claims about him.
According to TMZ, sources say that Nida’s Instagram rant against Thomas was spurred by people telling Nida that Thomas has been going around town saying that he believes that Nida deserved to go to prison for his fraud and identity theft crimes. Nida is also reportedly mad that Thomas allegedly has yet to pay him a visit or communicate with him since he went to prison.
However, Thomas recently spoke with TMZ and claimed that he hasn’t been in touch with Nida because it’s impossible to try to call an imate. Thomas says he has a number of friends who are behind bars and that it’s well known that inmates have to call family and friends instead of having family and friends call them.
Thomas admits that he could’ve written Nida a letter to keep in contact with him, but he explains that he’s not much of a letter writer.
“If I am a fake friend because I don’t write a letter, then I’m a fake friend,” Thomas said.
Well, it seems like Thomas and Nida have a misunderstanding on their hands that could be resolved if they would just talk to each other. But considering that this is drama between reality TV friends, we won’t hold our breath on that solution being put into action.