Where were you when you found out your song “Worth Fighting For” had been nominated for a Grammy for “Best Performance/Song” and what was your first reaction?
I was in the airport waiting to board a flight. I received a text message from a colleague and friend congratulating me and all I could say was “thank you.” I was speechless. Then the phone became flooded with messages and I thought to myself, “Whoa, this is a big deal! I better figure out something to say.”
What does being nominated mean to you?
I have not met anyone in the music business that does not harbor some desire to be recognized by this voting body. Prayerfully, the recognition facilitates continuing to make great music with great musicians and artists.
How have your musical peers reacted to the nomination?
The best responses have been “well deserved” and “I voted for you to win it.”
What is your testimony as it relates to faith in being a professional artist and the journey you must take in order to be recognized by your peers as one of the best in your field?
You have to humbly yet confidently keep going, and believe that you have something of value to contribute. The proof that you believe it is manifested in your willingness to work at sharing your talent in an effective manner.
Who did not get nominated but has your respect as an artist in you musical area and why?
Fred Hammond and his song ‘I Will Trust’ certainly impacted gospel music this year.
What artist in your past would you have liked to perform with in your category?
The irony of this question for me is that Marvin Winans heard the song I was nominated for months back and really embraced it. He taught it to his church choir, and there are clips of him singing it at various events. There is also one of us singing it together at an event. He’s since become a friend and says that he is a fan.
Describe your creative process for this album and who on this album, from the producers and writers, provided inspiration and great material?
Through the process my goal was to create a project that the church would consider useful. By useful, I wanted to be able to walk in a church on Sunday morning and hear the songs playing to help set atmosphere or hear stories of worship leaders and choir directors teaching the songs to their teams. I am thankful for the leadership of Aaron Lindsey, a Grammy Award winner and nominee many times over, for helping me to achieve this.