Author Kenwuan Meeks releases steamy new book about love and betrayal

Photo courtesy of Kenwuan Meeks
Photo courtesy of Kenwuan Meeks

If you’re searching for an engaging read to curl up to this winter, you may find what you’re looking for in Kenwuan Meeks’ new book, Trustworthy, Eyes Can’t See Everything.

The book centers on a group of Atlanta residents who live a secret life behind closed doors. Dr. James Reed, one of the city’s top counselors, gets a glimpse into this mysterious life when Karen Hart and Cynthia Livingston ask him to help repair their relationship. What happens with Dr. Reed during his research leads to a steamy tale of love, hate and betrayal that will keep readers eagerly turning pages.

We spoke to Meeks about how he came up with such a compelling story for Trustworthy, what we can expect from his current and future works, and his advice to up-and-coming authors.

What inspired you to write your first book?

As a child, I’ve always looked at authors as critical thinkers. Most authors like Mark Twain were great scholars in the field of writing.

Do you have a specific writing style?

I commonly use the descriptive form of writing. My style is meant to entertain and not to inform. Trustworthy, Eyes Can’t See Everything is a fictional book; yet Quotes My Grandmother Used to Say was created to put smiles and joy into one’s family life.

What books have most impacted your life as a writer?

Richard Wright’s Black Boy paved the way for many African American writers and motivated me to push hard and become a positive role model for all people.

What books are you currently reading?

I am currently reading a novel by a good friend of mine, Charles E. Clark titled, I Know How It Feels, Lessons of a Lifelong Dream.

What new authors have piqued your interest?

Taedra Morris’ book, H— Is Not Always Hot, Sometimes the Air Conditioning Is On! is a very inspirational book that I have found intriguing. It’s a story of how she lost her hair as a woman and overcame her battles. It’s not only just for women but for men as well.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything about your latest work?

No, because it made me the author that I am today. If you don’t make mistakes, then you will never get better.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging about writing or coming up with a concept for your book?

The most challenging thing is staying focus. You have to keep your eye on the prize. Many times when you are doing great things that you believe in, distractions will come your way. It’s very easy to get off track and have writer’s block. I have always had a different way of thinking. I look at most people’s situations, wonder different things and use the words “what if” to come up with a great book.

What was the hardest part of completing this project?

The hardest part of completing Trustworthy, Eyes Can’t See Everything was knowing where I should put something inspirational from God in the book. Although it is an entertaining book, I try not to do anything without touching someone’s heart at the end. The gift of making someone laugh and smile is a gift from God.

What advice would you give other writers?

Stay focus, make a timeline and give yourself deadlines. Try not to tell everyone about your book initially, because they will question you if you don’t have it out at a certain time. Do your research on your publishing company. There are many publishing companies that are scamming many authors. Educate yourself about writing, the different styles, format, fiction, and nonfiction.

Describe the process in getting published.

To become a published author, first decide if you would like to be a self-published author or tap into the traditional publishing companies, which is everyone’s goal. Do your research. If you decide to self-publish like most authors do, first have a completed manuscript. Have your cover — front and back — completed. Make sure your work is edited. Have about five people re-read your book until it’s perfect.

Purchase your copyright. Most importantly, purchase your ISBN; it gives you ownership of your book. Your can purchase your barcode along with your ISBN. The most popular place to purchase them is LegalZoom. Now, you are ready to publish. You can go to certain companies like and upload your work. You can buy your proof until its to your liking. Once you are satisfied, you will then give the OK to distribute your book to different major companies. You are now a published author.

What were the literary, psychological and/or logistical challenges in bringing your work to life?

My book is based on different relationships. It was hard trying to bring my characters to life because I wanted them to sound real but not be judged on the language in my book. I also tried to stay away from putting personal things in the book and having people think it was about me and not just entertainment.

Everyone’s process for writing is different. Explain yours.

It’s funny, because I am a good observer and listener. Many of my friends come to me with their problems, therefore I have a lot to talk about. I usually take different people’s problems and put a twist on it.

What are five of your favorite books and why?

Well, I have to include my own: Trustworthy, Eyes Can’t See Everything, Quotes My Grandma Used to Say, A Scared Man Can’t Make No Money and When a Soul Cries Out.

Trustworthy, Eyes Can’t See Everything catches your eye immediately when you look at the cover. It brings you in from the beginning to the end. It’s almost like you are imagining a movie. Quotes My Grandma Used to Say is a great book acknowledging different grandmothers around the world. Many grandmothers like mine dropped out of school early to help raise their brothers and sisters and never accomplished anything like achieving a degree and things of that nature. This [book] was a way for me to give back to them and recognize them. I have quotes like “A hard head makes a soft behind” and “never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”

A Scared Man Can’t Make No Money is a true story of Darryl Bullock. It mentions how he went from struggling to make it to becoming a young African American millionaire and being taught by a Clansman. YES, A CLANSMAN. When A Soul Cries Out has some truth in it. It lays out my life and dealings with different ladies.

I also love Harry Potter. It’s adventurous and very creative.

Please provide three “good to know” facts about you. Be creative. Tell us about your first job or the inspiration behind your writing.

I started writing poetry in high school. The young girls used to love romantic poems. I would use this tactic to make me look appealing and smart to the females. I became really good at it. I am also a people person. I usually put others before myself and write to make them feel good about themselves. The most important fact about me is that I am God-fearing and I put God first in every decision I make. I am full of laughter, and I love to see others succeed — sometimes I am more excited than they are.

What is the mission you set out to accomplish with your voice in Trustworthy?

I want people to be entertained. I am trying to be a role model for children, especially young men. I want to make writing and the term “author” a style. I want the image of an author to be looked at as a lawyer or doctor. When you see me, I want you to see class. It’s nothing wrong with reading or writing a book and showing up with a tie on with a nice suit. There is nothing “lame” about that. It’s class. I want to set the standard.

Who are the authors you reread and why?

Zane, Eric Jerome Dickey, E. Lynn Harris. These great authors grasp your attention through the book. They are very talented.

A great book has what?

A great book has a great message, no matter the category.

How do you develop characters and ideas?

Some of the names are old friends that I used to know. I develop ideas by taking long rides in my car alone. You will be surprised what you will come up with.

Where would you travel, if you could, to write you next book?

Sentosa, Singapore, because it’s clean and peaceful. It’s full of serenity.

What is the gift of reading?

In order to speak in an educated way or be informed of what’s going on in the world, you have to read. Reading soothes the soul. It makes you laugh, smile and cry. It takes you away from the struggle of the world. To read is one thing, but to have thousands reading what you have written is priceless.

Purchase ‘Trustworthy, Eyes Can’t See Everything’ on the book’s website or

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