TWEF presents Sister to Sister 2.0: ‘The Power of a Queen’ with LeToya Luckett

LeToya Lucket 1 Deavra Daughtry, Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation founder; and co-founder Ebone Stowers presented the 2016 Sister to Sister 2.0, Power of a Queen. All kings and queens were invited to this event with special guest and honorary chair LeToya Luckett a Houston native. Luckett is an actress, singer and songwriter, two time Grammy Award winner for Best R&B Song, and a former member of Destiny’s Child.

The event was held at the Houston Museum of African American Culture. The panelists included Clerenda McGrady, Project P.U.S.H. (Purposed-led. Unstoppable, Success-bound. Hope-Filled) part of her mission is equip women to live beyond their limitations and achieve their God-given dreams and vision; Damali Keith, Fox 26 news personality who enjoys writing for fashion; and Kameika “Sky” Smith of Radio One.

“I wanted to be a part of this panel because we all need to understand the importance and process of tapping into your queen power. As a queen I had to understand that we have to stop lying first, then die, and finally surrender. What I mean by that is; stop lying to yourself about who you are, stop saying that you are something or pretending to be something or presenting a façade because that might not be who you are supposed to be. … When you surrender you can take power over your ego and start to acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses so that you can reach your full potential as a queen,” Smith said.

The “Heart Healer,” Rob Hill Sr., celebrity relationship expert and motivational speaker, led a Q-and-A session on the Power of a Queen.

Photos courtesy of Alex Green Media.

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