George Zimmerman seems to be doing all he can to try to provoke a violent reaction from people. Last week, America was shocked as he attempted to auction the gun he used to kill unarmed Black teen Trayvon Martin, calling it a piece of American history. The auction infuriated many who saw through the racist killer’s façade and created a backlash of fake bids in an attempt to foil any chance of the gun being purchased. Now, he took part in an interview where he blasted the parents of Trayvon Martin.
Zimmerman was interviewed by media outlet The Daily Beast and his comments taunt the parents of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman is quoted as saying, “Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin did everything they could to capitalize on her son’s death. She was never a mother figure to him. Tracy Martin couldn’t have cared less about their son. He treated him like a dog without a leash.”
These outrageous comments prove that Zimmerman is a coldhearted killer with a specific agenda. That agenda is to flame the fires of hate and to profit off the murder of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman seems to play the perpetual victim in the shooting, blaming everyone but himself. He further states, “If I have to live my life and if I have to go about my business as a normal person, then I would do that. However, I’m not afforded that luxury anymore. You guys. The media. The masses. The Fulton-Martin family. They took that from me.”
Zimmerman hides behind the role of being a supporter of law enforcement and his hatred of the Black Lives Matter movement. He claims that the money he will get for the gun will be used as a counter to Black Lives Matter activists. He stated, “I would take that money and I would make sure that every law enforcement officer and every single civilian who is affected by the Black Lives Matter fraudulent, violent campaign—those officers, those civilians, their entire families—were made wealthy beyond their wildest imaginations.”
His comments show that not only is he detached from reality, but also basic human dignity.